Opt-Inbox™ allows users to set machine-generated bulk mail aside to focus on the emails that matter most.
Sendio, the leader in email security and inbox productivity, today announced the launch of Opt-Inbox™. The new service flips the tables on senders of bulk mail and spam. Instead of being flooded with unwanted email, Opt-Inbox™ validates senders, so you only get the email that you want.
The need for such a solution is apparent when studying the impact email has on an organization. Email is the second most time consuming activity in the average worker’s day (taking 28% of the workday) – second only to role-specific tasks. Much of the email received, though, is nonessential. Of the 200 emails that the average worker receives each day, only 11 are important enough to be read right away.
For example, in response to the onslaught of bulk email, Google recently launched a service for the consumer called “Inbox,” which seeks to scan the content of emails to automatically sort them into folders for the user. Other companies have offered similar applications for businesses. However, the reliance on the scanning of email content misses the mark – which is why traditional email security vendors can’t deal with this overwhelming new breed of spam.
As Sendio CEO Kip Quackenbush points out, “content filtering” methods used by Google and other providers fall short of their goal: “Sendio takes a completely different approach with its Opt-Inbox™ technology. It’s not about the content of messages. For example, email from an airline may be considered spam by one user and of value to another. The one-size-fits-all approach of content scanning doesn’t work – which is why the other providers let these types of emails through to your inbox. The result is that you spend way too much time trying to figure out what’s important. Sendio is about receiving messages from senders you trust.”
Opt-Inbox™ is flexible enough to work with any email security filtering solution you might already have in place, allowing organizations to benefit from the time saving capabilities of Opt-Inbox™ without changing email security providers.
Sendio already has a broad range of customers using Opt-Inbox™ in conjunction with its Email Security Gateway™, a top performing anti-spam solution. Sendio customers range from Fortune 500 to local government agencies. Regardless of size, all customers enjoying Opt-Inbox™ have three things in common:
1. Email is a significant business tool.
2. Rapid and thoughtful email response is critical to business success.
3. Time is their most precious resource.
“Obviously we rely heavily on email for success at our firm,” said William Lemkul, a partner of the law firm Morris, Sullivan & Lemkul, LLP. “What Sendio has developed with Opt-Inbox has literally saved the firm thousands of hours in productivity – it is a breath of fresh air to once again have an inbox that is clean, that I can use, and that generates absolutely zero false positives to boot!”
Sendio Opt-Inbox™ has three components that make it easy to set aside the new breed of spam and bulk email and focus on the emails that are important.
Sender Address Verification (SAV): Designed to limit mail in your inbox to only those seeking to have a real conversation, SAV is a challenge/response system (similar to “connecting” on LinkedIn or “friending” on Facebook) that must be answered by human interaction. Sendio’s Opt-Inbox™ verification process distinguishes humans from automated senders, ensuring Sendio users receive only the email they want.
The Sendio Queue: Built for the enterprise, the Sendio queue is a repository for email that you may want later but don’t want now. This customizable queue allows you to organize newsletters, bulk mail and discounts, as well as manage your contacts. The Sendio Queue allows users to view, accept, drop and delete messages that have not successfully passed the SAV process.
Email Address Community: From day one, your current contacts become part of your trusted community through directory integration and importation of your existing contact files.
To get Sendio Opt-Inbox™ and spend less time managing email and more time getting work done, call (949) 274-4375 or email sales(at)sendio(dot)com.
About Sendio, Inc.
Founded in 2003, Sendio is a feisty, venture-backed, privately held company whose products protect the email environments of enterprises and institutions from attacks and abuse, and dramatically increases employee productivity by reducing the amount of time required to manage an email inbox.