New Infographic: Email Security by the Numbers

Email by the NumbersDid you know that cybercrime cost U.S. companies $38 billion last year? Or that managing email is the second most time-consuming aspect of an average worker’s job? Email is central to your workday and your company’s success.

You might think you know everything there is to know about email, but read Sendio’s new infographic Email by the Numbers and you’ll learn something new.

Did you know that…

  • Businesses accounted for 83% of data breaches last year?
  • Only 11 of the 85 emails you receive each day on average are important enough to read quickly?
  • The financial impact of cybercrime is expected to grow 10% every year through 2016?

The infographic includes more stats like these that help remind you and everyone in your office how important email is to the success of your business. Take a look at the infographic and let us know what surprises you.