Sendio email communities: the “positive” and intuitive approach to email security

A recent report by the European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) gives specific warnings on email, claiming the now ubiquitous communication platform is insecure. Since most email systems do not provide any kind of authentication, the reporting agency said: “It is very hard for users to understand where the message originates from and whether or not the sender is a trusted party.”

Sendio is the solution to traditional email, moving from a “negative” to “positive” security model that is more precise than the inverse style of “blacklisting”, in which only known threats are blocked, implicitly allowing everything else. By using a “positive” security model, Sendio offers products that create an inherently safe email environment through the use of email “communities” that define what is allowed, and reject everything else. These email communities protect enterprises and institutions from attacks and abuse, and dramatically increase employee productivity by reducing the amount of time required to manage an email inbox. By enabling the most operationally effective and efficient email security system, unintended consequences and deleterious outcomes of email use are eliminated.

Using self-managing communities similar to those found in social networking applications, Sendio users receive all of the email sent by customers, suppliers, partners, friends, associates and other members of their “community” while being completely shielded from both nonsense messages sent by casual abusers and devious messages from malicious criminals. In short, Sendio offers an instinctively protected email environment, allowing only the positive or “known good” elements to pass through and implicitly blocking, by default, those not explicitly defined in an email community.

It is imperative for successful enterprises and institutions to use every tool to their advantage, particularly when that tool is one of the single most fundamental communications tools in our technological age. The Sendio positive security model reinforces intuition—no one is better to determine what email you want to receive than you. All of us have become very comfortable with caller-id and have embraced the verification steps required to participate in social networks. Simply put, if you want to add someone to your social network, you need to ask for their specific permission. Sendio’s “radical” improvements come from the realization that human interaction is the key to safer, more secure and efficient email. Blocking spam is one thing – extending the positive security model to manage all “bulk” email is entirely another – and that is the Sendio difference.

Sendio markets its products worldwide in partnership with resellers and systems integrators that focus on email solutions.